Dra. Gianna Hanly

Doctor of Dentistry Latin University of Panama.

Certification in Dentistry by the Interinstitutional Council of Basic Certification in Dentistry of Panama.

Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation at Universidad CES de Medellín, Colombia.

Professor at the Universidad Latina de Panamá, Comprehensive Adult Clinic 2013-2019.

Ceramic Restoration Course, Planning Strategy with Dr. Milko Villarroel in Curitiba, Brazil.

Digital Smile Design course with Dr. Christian Coachman.

She is currently dedicated to Dental Aesthetics and Rehabilitation of Teeth and Implants in his private practice.

Exocad training with expert Ing. Angel Roldán (acquisition of hardware and software to design cases).

Medit Intraoral scanner training with Angel Roldán, 2019.