Teeth whitening in Panama

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment for Teeth Whitening in Panama or requesting information, please send us your information so we can contact you.
A bright white smile is associated with youth, vitality and health.
A white smile is what everyone wants because it makes you look and feel better. However, due to their natural composition, the color of teeth consists of shades of yellow that over time, genetics, certain foods and drinks, as well as medications, can affect the color, leading it to the yellower ranges of the chromatic spectrum. Most of these effects can be reversed by a treatment called “teeth whitening.”
Teeth Whitening Options in Panama
Commercial or “over the counter”: These options are those that we find for sale in pharmacies and online media and include pastes, gels, strips and gel, to name a few. These products work relatively well with temporary, short-term effects, but should only be used by people with good dental and gum health. However, these products do not last as long or whiten as well as theprocedimiento realizado por un profesional de la odontología.

Home whitening
This is the option most commonly used by dentists due to the convenience it offers to the patient, such as the gradual process, less or no dental sensitivity, greater long-term stability, the ability to periodically touch up at home, among others. This treatment modality is performed with individualized trays containing the whitening gel, which, depending on the patient’s condition, can vary in concentration percentage. Also, home whitening is a complement
used in conjunction with chair whitening in many cases.
Teeth Whitening at the clinic
In-clinic teeth whitening in Panama is the fastest and most efficient way to achieve a change in the color of your teeth; it can usually take from minutes to a couple of hours to complete, depending on several factors such as the nature and intensity of the stains, the age of the patient, habits, etc. In-chair teeth whitening is the best option if you want “almost instant” results.
Before undergoing a whitening treatment, your dentist will perform an evaluation of the condition of your teeth and gums to determine if they are healthy enough to perform this treatment.
How long does teeth whitening last?
The length of time during which the results of teeth whitening treatment are maintained varies, depending on multiple factors such as, for example, whether the patient consumes foods or drinks with a high pigment content or even the person’s racial characteristics. The usual time in which a touch-up or retreatment of teeth whitening may be required is six months to a year; we can advise you on this at your prophylaxis or dental cleaning appointment.

Is whitening an option for me?
Teeth whitening is possible for most patients, with variable results from person to person; however, there are some considerations that must be taken into account:
1. The earliest age at which it can be performed is between 16 and 18 years old.
2. Your teeth and gums must be healthy, so it is always recommended to have a prior evaluation with one of our dentists.
3. To enhance the result, it is highly recommended to have a prophylaxis or dental cleaning beforehand and to take care of your diet during the process.
4. It may be advisable not to have teeth whitening if you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding your baby. Consult your doctor first.
5. Whitening is only effective on natural teeth; resins or “bondings”, crowns, veneers and bridges cannot be whitened.
6. If your gums are retracted and/or inflamed in some areas, whitening may irritate them a little.
7. It is always advisable to have an evaluation to determine if there are cavities that need to be restored prior to any whitening treatment.
If the discoloration of your teeth is so severe that it cannot be remedied with teeth whitening, your dentist may recommend other restorative options such as bonding or veneers.
Possible side effects during the procedure
-Although it is rare with the most current products and techniques, tooth sensitivity to cold and/or heat as a result of this process is a possibility; it usually disappears within a few days and is greatly helped by using a desensitizing toothpaste.
-In other cases, irritation of the gums may also be observed, which lasts a short time; this is usually due to the fact that excess gel has been placed in the whitening tray during the home treatment.
-To keep your teeth white for as long as possible, we recommend avoiding cigarettes or any tobacco products, as well as drinks or foods with a high pigment content, during the days of whitening and after finishing it.
-It is important to remember that teeth inevitably become pigmented again, acquiring a more yellowish color; it is part of the process of life. But your regular visits to the dentist and taking care of your diet and habits can help you keep them in optimal condition.
Things you need to know before getting your teeth whitened
1. The Whitening Process Removes Surface Stains
One of the most important things to know about getting your teeth whitened is what’s actually happening during the procedure. A peroxide solution is used on your teeth to remove surface stains. Depending on your dentist, the peroxide may be activated with a laser or with a light.
At DentalOne we use the light rather than the laser for the integrity of your teeth. Today’s power lights do not heat up the teeth as much and are more effective in whitening the teeth”.
This solution will whiten your teeth, but the results can vary based on what your teeth look like when you start.
2. Clean Teeth Will Whiten Better
If you’re considering a professional whitening treatment, schedule it for after you get your teeth cleaned, as the whitening will take hold better. Your best bet is within a week or two of the cleaning. “
You can also prep for the whitening by making sure your teeth are prepared for the sensitivity you may experience after the fact. “Prior to a professional whitening session it is recommended that patients use a fluoridated toothpaste to help avoid any post-whitening tooth sensitivity often associated with this procedure,”.
3.How Long Does It Take To Whiten Teeth?
Each treatment lasts 20-30 minutes long, and as mentioned, it’s done three times so that it will take you at least 60-90 minutes on each visit.
4.How White is White?
Everyone expects to get out of our clinics with dazzling white smiles that look like what they see in celebrities or Instagram influencers. But to set your expectations right, what actually determines the final result of your teeth whitening treatment is the original colour of your teeth itself.
Yes, in the end, genetics is still at play!
Just like how others are born with black-coloured eyes, the ‘whiteness’ of your post-treatment teeth will depend on how white it originally was.
5.How Long Will Your Teeth Stay White?
Your whitened teeth will not stay white like that for years.
Your teeth post-treatment can be up to 15 shades whiter, but it will eventually fade back. Your bright smile isn’t guaranteed forever, and that’s why it’s essential to take home a teeth whitening kit so you can maintain it.
Some patients teeth stay white even after six months, while others may be darker in just a few weeks later. It all depends on your hygiene and your eating habits.